Book your class

Whether you’d like monthly workshops, individual 1:1 work or community sessions, let Afterward Honesty Yoga assist you in building your toolbox of resources to support you in childlessness.
*All offerings are held online

Monthly Online Workshops

I’m excited to be sharing the practices that have served me through involuntary childlessness.  
My Monthly Workshops will introduce you to various aspects of yoga.  Their structure reflects my passion for utilizing basic practices and making them accessible.
Together, we’ll explore each element in a format of gentle movement interspersed with talks and background on the featured subject. Yoga’s more subtle practices will be highlighted.  My aim is to equip you with a set of tools you can take with you.  
The workshops are structured for minimal social interaction, offering privacy as you learn in a safer and less triggering environment than traditional yoga classes.

Frequently Asked Workshop Questions

Tell me about the next Afterward Honesty monthly workshop?

Afterward Honesty Yoga Workshops and other Offerings coming in spring of 2025!  Sign onto my email list below to stay tuned.

In the meantime, I’ll be testing out my offerings in the second half of 2024, so that means… yoga!!  If you’re interested in participating in AH Yoga 2024 test offerings, contact me.  I’m currently tied up through the end of June moving and relocating, so my response time could be delayed.  But rest assured I will get you in the mix as I can.


How much movement will there be?

To ensure maximum accessibility, physical movement is kept to a minimum and modification(s) are offered whenever possible.

Is the workshop right for me if I’ve never tried yoga before?

Afterward Honesty Yoga Workshops are open to all levels and especially tailored to beginners or those who’ve been away from yoga.  Engaging in some level of consistent physical activity (for example, regular walking) is advised for any yoga or yoga related practice. If you’re still unsure, please consult your physician or appropriate medical professional to determine if yoga and its related practices are right for you and your body. 

What props will I need?

You’ll need a few basic items:

  • A mat
  • 2-3 thick folded blankets and ideally with some texture (not slippery). You can use traditional yoga blankets or anything suitable from your living space.

Needed props will vary from workshop to workshop, consisting of one or more of the items below.  Once booked, workshop email notifications will include the prop list.  Substitutes you can generally find around the home, along with suggestions for where to purchase if you’d like to invest in your yoga practice even further, are also provided.

  • A clear section of wall space for poses that require external support
  • Yoga blocks
  • A chair
  • Strap
  • Bolsters
  • A pillow or pillows
How are the workshops structured?

After signing up for a workshop, you’ll receive a booking confirmation email which will give you all the information you need for the session.

During the timed class, we’ll explore yoga along with discussion around the featured subject for that class.

Participants will be invited to share any questions or observations in the group chat, but this is your choice and if you’d prefer to stay quiet, that’s ok too.

Do I have to interact with other people?

These workshops are intended as a safe place for you and have been structured for minimal interaction. Afterward Honesty workshops are perfect if you desire a measure of privacy as you learn while remaining a feeling of connectedness to your peers.

Do I have to keep my video on?

No. If it makes you uncomfortable or you’d rather not have video on for any reason, that’s ok.

Please be aware that allowing me to see you will mean I’m able to assist you in practicing optimally and safely.

I’m not able to attend live, is there a different way I can participate?

While it’s best to attend live so I can assist you with your practice if necessary, all workshop registrants will be provided with a recording available for seven days after the initial workshop date.

How does the sign-up process work for workshops?

Visit the booking page and click to book the workshop of your choosing.

You’ll be asked to check the code of conduct and disclaimer which I ask you to read carefully.

After making payment, you’ll receive a confirmation email with all the information you need including a list of props (and suitable substitutes).

At this point and going forward, contact me if you need to with any questions, areas of concern, or anything you’d like for me to know about you ahead of the workshop, physically or otherwise.

You’ll receive a reminder email 24 hours before the scheduled class.

1 hour before the start time, you’ll get your final reminder email. You don’t need a login to use the Zoom link, but you may wish to set up an account for ease of use.

Can I cancel?

Recordings of each workshop are distributed to all who sign up. Workshop cancellations are accepted in cases where one’s condition has unexpectedly changed and they cannot engage with or benefit from the workshop live or on video.  To cancel, contact Sarah directly.

I’m still not sure. Can I talk to you about a different concern?

Absolutely, please feel free to contact me via my contact page with any other questions you may have.

Each workshop will feature a different area of exploration, so you may find that a future class feels more right for you.

If you’re not sure about an offering due to a physical issue, please also consult with your doctor or an appropriate medical professional.

Man with a beard on a yoga mat lying on his back dressed in a white t-short and grey pants using a band to perform a leg stretch

Tailored Online 1:1 Sessions

If you desire more personalized learning, or if group settings aren’t your thing, why not try working with me one-on-one to address your wants, needs and interests through yoga.
We meet virtually and can utilize one or more of the following – Alignment Based Yoga, Vinyasa Flow Yoga, Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Pranayama (breath work) and Mindfulness Meditation.

Frequently Asked 1:1 Session Questions

I’ve never tried yoga before, is this right for me?

One to one instruction can be a great entrance into the world of yoga as each session is tailored to you. We’ll work together to identify your wants and needs, using this to inform our practice.

It’s recommended to engage in some level of consistent physical activity (for example, walking) alongside a yoga practice. If you’re not sure if yoga is right for your body, please consult your doctor or an appropriate medical professional.

What’s the cost?

$65 USD per session

Or save with a package offer:

  • New Student Package (One-time only use): 3 sessions for $145 (saving $50)*
  • Self Care Package (repeat use allowed): 5 sessions for $285 (saving $40)**

*To be used within three months from date of first scheduled session

**To be used within 6 months from date of first scheduled session

Who are the private sessions for?

If you’re looking for a self-care experience custom fit to you, private sessions are a great step. You may prefer the pace and content of a personalized session, or you might find group settings difficult for any reason.

What will we cover in private sessions?

The beauty of private sessions is we can focus on whatever you need. Together, we can:

  • Develop a new home practice
  • Expand an existing home practice
  • Identify and refine the practices that will help you best tend to yourself during this time, especially if you’re new to yoga and/or childlessness
  • Support connection with and awareness of your body
  • Utilize practices which can aid in settling the mind and balancing the nervous system

If you’re familiar with branches of yoga, we can bring techniques from alignment-based asana (yoga), vinyasa flow, yin yoga, restorative yoga, pranayama (breath work) and mindfulness meditation (vipassana style).


Will I need props?

You’ll need a few basic items:

  • A mat
  • 2-3 thick folded blankets and ideally with some texture (not slippery). You can use traditional yoga blankets or anything suitable available in your living space
  • Some empty wall space

We’ll discuss props prior to your first session, along with substitutes you can generally find around the home or places to order if you’d prefer.

How can I get the most out of my sessions?

The most important thing is to set aside time and space free from distraction, as much as possible for you.

It’s helpful to gather any props before the session begins and I’d always recommend keeping some water close by.

Recordings can be provided if requested or I encourage you to keep a pen and some paper around to jot down any notes.

How do I book 1:1 sessions?

Use the link at the top or bottom of this section to book a free initial consultation. We’ll discuss your needs and any areas of curiosity you’d like to explore, as well any concerns or hesitations you may have.

If you’d rather talk by email, drop me a line via the contact page.

Do I have to keep my video on?
During 1:1 sessions, it’s highly recommended to have your camera on so I can assist you to the best of my ability. However, if you find yourself having ‘one of those days’ (or weeks, or months, or years….) we all have here in this demographic, we can work with video off if you absolutely need to.
Older woman with grey hair dressed in brown yoga wear in a forward fold on a mat
Asian woman in a seated side twist with a

Online Group Classes (Coming Soon)

Community yoga classes for the childless not by choice, held online.
A gentle alignment-based every other weekly yoga practice offered in a traditional class format, playfully* centred around themes relevant to the childless experience.
Connect with the strong and heartening energy of our demographic, away from the usual triggers often found in a mainstream yoga class.
Receive individual alignment cues and pointers in this limited class size offering.
*Yes, I did say playfully!
Want to stay tuned?  Scroll down (right below!) to sign up for my newsletter and receive updates on upcoming Group Classes.