Sarah’s blog

Taking Hard Emotions Head On

How Yin Yoga Helped My Grieving Process I’ll never forget my first real brush with the pain of loss.  It was after our fourth IUI failed when my tectonic plates started to rumble.  Not quite one year into trying to conceive, things had gone rapidly and not...

Riding the Waves of Grief

Originally published on February 10, 2015, this one's for the true grief warriors It is one thing to search for answers and fix and define. It is entirely another to be present for that which you can’t. Or shouldn’t. I know that the band of supportive people who grace...

A Brief Offering

Thought I'd repurpose this post I originally published back on Dec.28, 2014. The emotionally empowered views highlighted here are just as relevant today as they were nine years ago. I wanted to drop a little gem that has been resonating with me for weeks now. Maybe...

Another Take – Why I Don’t Have a Gratitude Practice

Have you ever felt pressure to be grateful, especially in the face of loss? Come with me as I question different angles of gratitude & explore circumstances where it may not always be good for us. #childlessness #mentalhealth #holidays #infertility

The Trouble With God’s Plan

A life altering loss unfortunately also comes with much unsollicited “spirit-splaining”, mostly from people who don’t get it. In honor of #worldchildlessweek, join me to explore the harm this does to those suffering not asked for losses. And to investigate the underlying motivations of these dismissive “God’s Plan” and “Meant To Be” type platitudes.

Grief Revisited

We live in a world where people commonly possess the unconscious bias that people without children are not affected by harm done to children. That we don’t care, and that we somehow lack the emotional depth to have a relevant reaction to such things. In this post I highlight that nothing could be further from the truth of course, by submitting my childless voice to the conversation in response to recent tragic world events.