About Me

“Through the process of trying to and then not being able to have children, I was rattled by the lack of care, acknowledgement and visibility given to me and people like me by the outside world. Turning inward was one way to take some of my power back.”
Hello, I’m Sarah
The Infertility Honesty Blog
You may know me from my original platform, the Infertility Honesty blog which I started in 2014 on the verge of ending fertility treatments.
Or maybe it’s from my advocacy contributions on various media outlets.
Behind the scenes of blogging and advocacy, I was practicing and studying yoga. Inconsistently in the tougher years, but something kept pulling me back to the mat, again and again, through it all.
Through the trauma of trying to conceive.
Through my conscious, grief riddled transition into unexpected non-parenthood.
And then through the complex, not anything like I thought it would be, Afterward.
Tried and tested practices which supported me in grief
Infertility and involuntary childlessness left a mark on my health and wellbeing and I needed to proactively address it.
Over time, this has resulted in a huge toolbox of resources, collected during, and supporting me through, these experiences.
So, I offer you the road tested – and I mean road tested! – practices that have served me through all points on my childless path.
In the hopes they can serve, bolster and nourish you, too.
I understand – I’ve been there.
And I’m still here with you, in this uncharted territory we call involuntary childlessness.
The problem with traditional yoga settings
In the years after I started practicing yoga, I could feel the benefits of everything I was doing, including the top-notch teaching from my instructors.
But there was another side of things. Not long into my infertility journey, it became an unexpected struggle to be in the ‘yoga world’.
I found many studios overtly catering to the reproductively privileged, piling unnecessary triggers onto the rest of us. Requests to make the environment appropriate (or heck, even bearable!) for others were often responded to with disdain. Or not responded to at all.
I also encountered yoga studios and teachers – mercifully! – that weren’t so parent/baby centric, and who were willing to do the good work of acknowledging and tending to our needs, too.
But still, there were roadblocks.
Cultivating a space where our truth is embraced
Coming face to face with the person infertility and childlessness forced me to become ploughed me into a most inconvenient truth: The common yogic world view isn’t broad enough to acknowledge, never mind accommodate, my lived experiences and those of others like me. The typical yogic world view can be representative of much of the stuff life altering loss and trauma demand you unlearn. Many yoga spaces don’t understand grief, and are even actively averse to it.
And so, from all this came a long-simmering desire to create a space without such interferences. A space which, at the very least, is set up not to dismiss, retraumatize and spit in the face of the gumption it takes to do something good for yourself in the presence of loss.
Simply, I dreamed of a space where we wouldn’t be unnecessarily jostled while doing the sensitive work of engaging with our bodies and other layers of self.
While I believe there is no such thing as a totally safe and trigger free zone, it’s my intention and hope that Afterward Honesty Yoga can make strides on this front for the involuntarily childless.

My Yoga Story
Training and qualifications
I’m a registered yoga teacher (RYT200) and have been practicing yoga for 16 years.
Primary areas of training and practice include alignment-based yoga, yin yoga and mindfulness meditation, along with some restorative yoga as well.
My main areas of intrigue within the realm of yoga are anatomy and the use of mindfulness to enhance self-connection and emotional function.
I completed 200 hours of teacher training at Yoga Flow Studio in Glen Head, NY, receiving my official teaching certification in 2018.
In 2021, I completed Sarah Powers’ Primary Level 1 Teacher Training.
The Habit of Coming Back
But what I’m most proud of, by far, is coming back to the mat after each of my 10 failed fertility treatments and a surgery.
And of staying on the mat – however minimally and erratically – through childless grief, chronic trauma recovery, and then a debilitating autonomic nervous system disorder.
Amid all this, I committed to long term physical therapy addressing my scoliosis.
My future physical function has taken on a more pressing importance, knowing I will not have children to rely on for any care I may need.
I enjoy combining physical therapy exercises with yoga for more optimal musculoskeletal function.
Additional areas of personal medical experience include biochemical imbalances and ‘silent’ endometriosis.

“One of the beauties of yoga and its related practices is they allow us to meet and tend to so many layers of our being.”
As far as the rest of my current life? In addition to benefitting from the therapeutic effects of writing and yoga, I’m a passionate (novice) gardener and bunny watcher.
Generally, I have a hard time staying away from anything that arouses my curiosity (which, tragically, is a lot of things).
I live in New York, where I have the distinct misfortune of trying to combine my chef husband’s restaurant life with our childless life (for anyone who’s wondering, restaurant business + childlessness = so not a good match!)
I’m also a lifelong flutist, having recently returned to my first creative love after a long hiatus brought on by infertility and its aftermath.
In spite of my protracted obstacle and crisis laden path out of multiple failed fertility treatments, I find life intriguing to say the least. My fingers remain tightly crossed as I feel optimistic about the future.
What It’s Like To Stop Trying To Have a Baby After $77,000 of Fertility Treatments by Jen Jones Donatelli in Redbook (Nov 5, 2015)
The Wild Wild World of IVF Explained by Pamela Tsigdinos in Marie Claire (October 1, 2019)
Most IVF ‘add-ons’ rest on shaky science, studies find by Sharon Begley in STAT (November 5, 2019)
Should We Kid Or Not? I soley represented the childless not by choice demographic on this PBS Independent Lens web series (November 2019)
Childless Not By Choice and Infertility Platforms
It has been my pleasure to share my writing and spoken thoughts in other forums. Be sure to check out these great platforms:
Podcast with Cathy Broadwell on Slow Swimmers and Fried Eggs (December 2016)
“Reflections on Grief and Feeling” on Lesley Pine’s Blog (July 2017)
“The Many Faces of Love” on World Childless Week (September 2018)
“IVF Chaos, Callous Care” on ReprotechTruths.org (October 2018). E-mail info@reprotechtruths.org if interested in sharing your story
“My Path To and Through Involuntary Childlessness” on Walk In Our Shoes (January 2019)
World Childless Week Mindfulness Meditation and Breathwork video (September 2020)